In September each year, teachers observe and assess pupils' ability in areas such as Communication, Thinking Skills (Cognition) and Social Interaction. We use two different Assessment Tools alongside teacher observation and information from Parents and other professionals:
Routes for Learning
Routes for Learning (RfL) supports close observation and enable teachers to identify precisely 'where the child is' in terms of the priority areas of communication, social interaction and cognitive skills. Significantly, it also provides valuable guidance for teaching the skills.
Mapping and Assessing Personal Progress (MAPP)
MAPP is used to set learning intentions in three broad cross-curricular areas of communication; thinking skills and personal and social development. Each of these areas is sub-divided to provide sharper focus and to help identify the current priorities for the learner. MAPP incorporates the milestones of Routes for Learning but also provides scope for assessment for pupils in our school who are working 'beyond' the Routes for Learning.