Core Profiles
Our current IEP (Individual Education Plan) refers to key areas of development and identifies ‘strengths’ and ‘needs’ in these areas (Communication & Language; Cognitive/ Thinking Skills; Social and Emotional Development; Physical Development (Gross and Fine Motor Skills); Multisensory Development).
We have developed a new approach centred on ‘Core Profiles’ which will retain what is working well with the IEP process.
The Core Learning areas were chosen through whole-school discussions in which we considered the most important and meaningful skills our pupils could learn in their time in school. These skills were then grouped into the following areas:
- Communication, Language and Literacy
- SPHE, Personal care and Wellbeing
- Mathematics, Numeracy and Discovery
- PE and Movement
- Daily Living Skills (for some pupils)
- Access Technology (for some pupils)
These Core Profiles will include long-term learning outcomes; immediate ‘My Next Steps’; current ability/ understanding of the pupil; how best to support pupil etc. There will also be a focus on a Care Profile to include such areas as Feeding, Toileting, Medical, Positioning etc.
These documents will be informed by our current assessment processes (mainly observation informed by Routes for Learning or MAPP) and by gathering information from parents/ guardians; staff; therapists; etc.
Individual and group activities will then be planned to teach the ‘next steps’ of the pupils through engaging and meaningful activities throughout the day. These activities will be inspired and enriched by the school’s current planning ‘theme’ as well as being guided by the curriculum areas and subjects of the Revised Primary Language Curriculum to ensure a broad and balanced approach.
Learning Profile meetings take place in October or November every year. The teacher contacts all parents personally to obtain information to help in the planning of their child’s Next Steps and to invite them to attend the meeting. Towards the end of the school year, the teacher meets with parents again to review the progress made by their child towards achieving their Next Steps as set out in the Learning Profile.
For pupils who are eligible for the Junior Cycle Level 1 Learning Programme, the Priority Learning Units (which closely align to the Core Profiles) and Short Courses can also be used as a source of inspiration for planning. Assessment and evidence of learning can be developed in line with the requirements of the L1LP so that pupils are awarded the national certificate.