St. Michael's House Special National School Baldoyle

Ethical Curriculum

Universal Human Values

This school welcomes children from all traditions and can be described as multi-denominational or a multi-faith place of education. In line with our mission statement, we aim to provide a full holistic education to all children underpinned by the values of St. Michael’s House.

“The academic, physical, social and aesthetic educational needs of students are addressed alongside their holistic personal development needs in the delivery of the curriculum. The school environments are characterised by the values of the Organisation – respect, understanding, fairness, honesty and sincerity. “

We aim, throughout the curriculum, to support parents and families in helping our pupils to participate as fully as possible in the life of their family, school and community.

The 5 Universal Human Values programme will be adapted by SMH schools to reflect the learning needs and abilities of pupils. Teachers will use the values to reinforce the learning experiences of pupils. Many of the values are already covered in SPHE and other curriculum areas and the values underpinning the programme are already in evidence in everyday practice in our schools. As with most curriculum resources, teachers in SMH schools will select and adapt the materials to suit the learning needs, interests and abilities of their pupils.

For more information on Education in Human Values:

Five Universal Human Values.pdf

Willie Nolan Road, Baldoyle, Dublin, D13 WR90.
01 832 3043
RCN 20204614
Roll Number 18210K
© 2025 St. Michael's House Special National School Baldoyle